Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fun At The Park

We decided to go have some fun at a local park recently. I loved climbing up on the Sea Monster!

Daddy and I decided to try out this tilted thing that looks like a merry-go-round.

We got quite a surprise when we started moving the thing and it threw us into the wood chips. I fell on Daddy, though, so only he got all scratched up. But it did scare me.

I decided to climb on the monster again.

It was so much fun standing up here!

We also tried out some other things. Daddy was helping me learn to balance on this.

And of course, I did lots of swinging!

This one was a really fun swing.

Whoa! Look how high I'm able to go.

Then I decided to get back into a regular swing. They are all fun, really.

Hi Mama!

Even daddies like to swing at the park.

And of course, what is a trip to a park without playing on the slide.

We had a great time! Look for more pictures soon of a fun weekend we had with some friends from Macon.

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