Sunday, August 19, 2007

Mei-Ling Enjoys Big Brother Xavier's Visit

We were very lucky this weekend to have my big brother Xavier to come and visit. We had a great weekend, which included my first trip to the movie theatre (and I didn't make a peep the entire time except when people were laughing), my first trip to Chuck E. Cheese, and just some really good times with Xavier.
Here is a nice shot of us in downtown Madison, Georgia, after eating lunch on our trip to take Xavier back home.

How we both ended up posing with that very same facial expression, Mama and Baba will never know! But isn't it CUTE???

I was, of course, overwhelmed by the sights and sounds at Chuck E. Cheese! I especially enjoyed this particular ride.

Oh, wow. This thing moves!!!! Hold on, Chuck E. - we are going for a ride! It's a good thing I'm strapped in.

Mama is never too far away at any given time!

After a very busy weekend, I took some time to relax and enjoy some dinner. And some animal crackers.

This is how happy animal crackers make me. In fact, if you see me in person, ask me to do the "cookie dance." It's quite a show!

Ahhhhh. Life is good. I had a nice weekend with my Mama, Baba, and big brother. And then I end up getting some yogurt and animal crackers to wrap up the day on Sunday. It doesn't get any better than this!

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