Monday, April 30, 2007

Happy 10th Birthday Xavier!!!

We celebrated this past weekend in Macon in honor of Xavier's 10th birthday!!! Grandma, Pop Pop, Mama, Baba and Mei-Ling spent some time at Starcadia, a local amusement park, and then had some delicious Spider Man cake over at Aunt Delores' house. We also enjoyed cousins Bruce and Vonnie coming over. Bruce met Miss Mei-Ling for the first time.

While Baba & Xavier enjoyed the outdoor fun at Starcadia, Grandma, Pop Pop and Mama did their very best to keep up with Mei-Ling in the indoor game areas. Notice how SHE is leading Pop Pop!

And as always, we caught another shot of Mei-Ling with her now famous "kissy face."

We sure did enjoy your birthday, Xavier!

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