Mama and Baba celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary this past week! They had a "date day" on Friday while I was at school but then took me for a very fun outing the next day. I always want to look like a "princess" now, so I chose to wear a new blue and white polka-dotted dress that Grandma bought me.

I love being all dressed up. By the way, that writing behind me is my name in Mandarin. I'm covering up the "Mei" part, but you can see the "Ling."

Here are Baba's polka-dotted ladies.

Baba chose something besides polka dots.

The first thing we did was take my picture outside of PF Chang's. That's a BIG horse!

We took a ride on the train inside the mall. Sorry for the extreme close-up. The train car was not that large.

I also enjoyed the carousel.

Baba rode with me while Mama took pictures.

And now, I'm going to get strapped into a harness, connected to bungee cords, and then - well, I'm not sure what will happen next.

This is getting interesting! I'm not sure what to think just yet.

Woohoo! Bungee!!!!!!!!

In case there is any doubt, look at this smile. I am having a BLAST!

We had some lunch at PF Changs, and then I spent some time in a play area. Here I am atop a caterpillar.

I also enjoyed seeing Ice Age 3, and then having some delicious ice cream. Happy anniversary Mama and Baba!