I was lucky enough to meet someone that my Mama and Baba have known for over two years now. Her name is Julia, and she has been such a special person in their lives, because she is the person who helped coordinate everything it took to bring ME home! My Mama called Julia one night - New Year's Eve back in 2004. Mama and Baba had just realized that they wanted ME to be their baby, and they called Julia to find out how to make that happen. Julia has been such a good friend to my Mama and Baba. She was there for them at a time when they were worried that they might not ever get to meet me at all. But Julia knew that they would, and she encouraged them every time my Mama called her wondering when I might be coming home. Julia was so excited to meet me for the first time. She said that I am the reason she does her job. So thank you Miss Julia for making us a very happy family. Mama and Baba will never forget the role you have played in their lives and mine. We love you!